Flock Ewe Section
Wednesday 15th May 2024 - Nominations to be received by 9:00am Saturday 18th May 2024 - All sheep to be penned by 8:30am
JUDGING to COMMENCE at 9:00am. Prize Money + Prizes $4230
No sheep to be removed from pens prior to 4.30pm - Steward must be in attendance.
Section 1: Flock Merino Ewe Lambs or Weaners
Class 1: Pen of five Flock Merino Ewe Lambs or Weaners, unshorn, showing milk teeth, drop to be stipulated.
Class 2: Pen of five Flock Merino Ewe Lambs or Weaners, shorn, showing milk teeth, drop and shearing date to be stipulated.
Class 3: CHAMPION Pen of Flock Merino Ewe Lambs or Weaners
Section 2: Flock Merino Ewes
Shorn on or between 26th September 2023 & 18th May 2024 (Short Wool)
Class 4: Pen of five Flock Merino Ewes, showing not more than two permanent teeth.
Class 5: Pen of five Flock Merino Ewes, showing not more than four permanent teeth.
Class 6: Pen of five Flock Merino Ewes, showing more than four permanent teeth.
Class 7: CHAMPION Pen of Short Wool Flock Merino Ewes from Section 2.
Section 3: Flock Merino Ewes
Shorn before 26th September 2023 (Long Wool)
Class 8: Pen of five Flock Merino Ewes, showing not more than two permanent teeth.
Class 9: Pen of five Flock Merino Ewes, showing not more than four permanent teeth.
Class 10: Pen of five Flock Merino Ewes, showing more than four permanent teeth.
Class 11: CHAMPION Pen of Long Wool Flock Merino Ewes from Section 3.
Points awarded for placing in all classes only.
First: 3 points, Second: 2 points and Third: 1 point.
Section 4: Champion Events
Class 12: CHAMPION Pen of five Flock Merino Ewes, showing not more than two permanent teeth (from winners of Class 4 and 8).
Class 13: CHAMPION Pen of five Flock Merino Ewes, showing not more than four permanent teeth (from winners of Class 5 and 9).
Class 14: CHAMPION Pen of five Flock Merino Ewes, showing more than four permanent teeth (from winners of Class 6 and 10).
Class 15: CHAMPION Pen of five Flock Merino Ewes bred in the Isisford District (from section 1, 2 & 3).
Class 16: QMSSA CHAMPION Pen of five Flock Merino Ewes sired by Qld Stud Rams (Studs must be members of QMSSA).
GRAND CHAMPION Pen of five Flock Merino Ewes
(from Sections 1, 2 & 3).
RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION Pen of five Flock Merino Ewes.
(from all ewes judged on the day).
Steward: Paula Dean
P: (07) 46 585 343 or 0428 585 343
E: notus@bigpond.com
The Isisford Sheep & Wool Show Inc. invites you to bring pens of Rams to the Show on Saturday, May 18th for display and/or sale by private treaty if so desired.
For further information contact Paula Dean:
Ph: (07) 46 585 343 or Mob: 0428 585 343

Except where stated otherwise, all sheep entered in competitive classes, must have been bred and depastured in the state of Queensland by the exhibitor, must have been entirely paddock run, bear his/her earmark and NLIS ear tag. Exhibitors must produce a waybill and Animal Health Declaration on arrival.
The judge and/or committee may disqualify any sheep which, in their opinion, has been fed and/or trimmed, especially for exhibition, except wigging and/or crutching.
Basis of judging: Pens of Flock Ewes will be judged on a commercial basis as wool cutters and sound commercial breeding types and uniformity within the pen will be taken into account. Udders must be sound, i.e. two normal teats and be capable of efficiently suckling a lamb.
Teeth: In the event of sheep cutting teeth on Show Day, the judge or chief steward has the right to move these sheep to an older section for judging.
Adjudicator: In the final judging of all classes and the championships, the president and/or his nominee has the right to adjudicate, if necessary.
Entries: The committee has the right to accept or reject any entry in any competitive class without assigning any reason thereto.
The decision of the judge will be final.
Sub-Committee: A Sub-Committee shall be appointed each year, to number three, preferably persons not exhibiting, to examine any exhibition on Show Day, as directed by the president. Any regulations will be referred to this sub-committee which will report their finding to the next committee meeting which may, at its discretion, take disciplinary action.
Proof of Shearing date may be required.