Photography Section
DIGITAL COMP ONLY (No printed entries will be accepted)
Entries must be received by Wednesday 8th May 2024.
Prize Money $570. ​
Steward: Mrs Oona Banks
P: 0429 865 125
E: isisfordshowphotography@outlook.com
Novice Competition: Adults
Class 1: ACTION, Any photo showing action or movement
Class 2: LANDSCAPES & SKY STUDIES, Rural, Urban, Water and Sky Scenes
Class 4: ANIMALS, Animals, Livestock or Pets
Class 5: PORTRAIT, Individual or Group Portrait
Class 6: MACRO (Zoom or Close up)
Class 8: 150 YEARS OF ISISFORD, Showcasing Isisford’s History
Open Competition
Class 9: ANY TOPIC, by a professional or novice photographer
Novice Competition: Children
Class 10: ACTION, Any photo showing action or movement
Class 11: LANDSCAPES & SKY STUDIES, Rural, Urban, Water and Sky Scenes
Class 13: ANIMALS, Animals, Livestock or Pets
Class 14: PORTRAIT, Individual or Group Portrait
Class 15: MACRO (Zoom or Close up)
Class 16: DRONE SHOT
Class 17: 150 YEARS OF ISISFORD, Showcasing Isisford’s History
Spinifex Collections Champion Photograph $50 Value Prize
Sponsors Anne-Maree Lloyd Photography & Grumpy Balls
Photo entries must be emailed with a nomination form to isisfordshowphotography@outlook.com by Wednesday 8th May 2024.
Nomination forms can be downloaded from www.isisfordshow.com or by contacting Oona Banks (isisfordshowphotography@outlook.com)
Please ensure Images saved as .jpeg format 2, size well under 25MB
No Entry fee
Novice classes are open to all photographers, who have not previously sold their photography commercially for financial gain. Class 8 Open Competition – all photographers eligible.
Nominations will only be accepted from photographers residing within 300kms from Isisford
Number of entries limited to THREE per person per Class.
Number of entries limited to a total of TEN per entrant.
All photographs must be the original work of the entrant and taken during the last 3 years.
Photos must not have been previously entered in this Show.
Winning photos will be printed out by the Photography Steward for display at the show.
The judge’s decision will be final.