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Production Wether Competition 2023 - 2024

Prize Money $2500 + Prize​

The competition consists of five sheep entered in two sections, with all sections being run in the same paddock. The competition is over three years from the time of entry. In the first year, sheep are eligible for the milk tooth section of the competition and then kept for two more years in the open section.

Steward: Mr Ben Banks
P: (07) 46 575 959  or  0429 799 807

Section 1:  Milk Teeth

Class 1: Pen of Five Wethers, showing not more than milk teeth at time of entry. CHAMPION PEN $450, SECOND $250 and THIRD $150.

Class 2: Highest Valued Fleece - $100

Class 3: Finest Fleece - $50

Class 4: Heaviest Fleece - $50

Class 5Highest Valued Carcase - $100


Section 2:  Open

Class 1: Pen of Five Wethers, showing two or more teeth.

CHAMPION PEN $450, SECOND $250 and THIRD $150.

Class 2: Highest Valued Fleece - $100

Class 3: Finest Fleece - $50

Class 4: Heaviest Fleece - $50

Class 5Highest Valued Carcase - $100


Peter Sams Memorial Trophy - OVERALL  CHAMPION  WETHER Donated by the Brunckhorst Family

The Lifetime Trophy - LIFETIME TEAM VALUE Donated by Doug & Lauren Tindall

The Isisford Sheep & Wool Show Committee would like to thank and acknowledge donations of sheep in the 2023-24 Wether Trial:

Ban Ban - M & S Pratt, Beaconsfield - P & K Thomas, Gordonvale - M & K Rigby, Home Creek - Chandler Family, Janet Downs - D & L Tindall, Kappa Ki - Laidler Family, Laidlaw - Bungulla Partners, MacFarlane - A Martin, Narada - Andrew Turnbull, Narada - James Turnbull, Notus - P Dean, Springleigh - Banks Family, Weewondilla - B & K Webb, Westbourne - Sanderson Family, Willowen - J & L King


The competition is to determine which entry of wethers gives the greatest gross return from wool and meat after being run in the same paddock as all other entries throughout the year.



Only milk teeth wethers will be accepted as new entries. (Two, four & six teeth sheep will NOT be accepted as new entries).

The valuation of fleeces is on the basis of a mid-side sample taken to establish the micron and yield, then at shearing the fleece is appraised by a valuer to determine the wool board type and clean price. As the yield from the mid side sample is determined as a “washing yield” and is higher than the Schlumberger dry yield used by the trade, the valuer may at his discretion reduce the indicated test yields of ALL fleeces by a similar amount to arrive at a more realistic value.

The valuation of the sheep (live weight) will be based on a CALM assessment.

The Value is: Wool Board Clean Price x Yield x Total Weight + value of animal.

A minimum of three sheep must be presented for a team to be valid.

The highest average value of all fleeces & average value of sheep within a team will determine the winner (i.e. five sheep presented - total value divided by five etc.).

Sheep remain the property of the Isisford Sheep & Wool Show Inc.

The Banks Family have pastured the Wether Trial Sheep since September 2021 on Springleigh.

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